MS8510 series designd for Phone application and realted consumer field for cost efficiency hardware for phones application.
Integrated more hardware inside:
■ DTMF generator,
■ FSK generator
■ Hand-Free interface,
■ hook-detection interfaces
■ RC oscillator
■ IR Interface
■ LCD Controller
■ Mask version : MS8510
■ OTP version : MS85P10
■ built in 8-Bit micro-controller
■ Operating voltage range: 2.0~5.5V
■ 16K bytes ROM (Read Only Memory)
■ 512+64 bytes RAM (Random Access Memory)
■ Selectable Crystal/Resonator Clock Source:
■ 3.58MHz Resonator or 32768Hz clock+PLL.
■ Programmable MCU clock rate
■ High-Speed : 3.58MHz, 1.79MHz, RC.
■ Low speed : 32768Hz.
■ Programmable internal PLL
■ Power Management
■ Standby mode
■ Stop mode
■ UART function up to 115200BPS
■ Low voltage detector (LVD) / Comparator
■ Advance Power-On Reset (Mask Option)
■ Two 8-Bit general-purposed timers
■ A watchdog timer against deadlock.
■ Priority-based interrupts.
■ I/O ports and Multi-function I/O ports interface.
■ I/O port A: 8 I/O ports with Schmitt trigger and interruptible.
■ I/O port B: 8 I/O ports with non-open drain structure.
■ Open drain I/O port: 3 pins with heavysinking capability.
■ Multiple-function I/O ports: COM1~8, SEG1~24
■ Built-in LCD driver
■ 32 level brightness adjustment
■ Three programmable duties: 1/8 or 1/4
■ Two programmable biases: 1/4, or 1/3
■ Maximum 24 segment output pins
■ Maximum 8 common output pins
■ Auto Key-scan with LCD function.
■ DTMF generator & Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Generator
■ Ringer/Music tone generator
■ Hook-detect interface (MPORT1)
■ Special hand-free control interface
■ HFI0,1: Hand-free Input
■ HFO: Hand-free Output
■ Auto Key scan function (@ 1/8 duty mode)
■ IR Interface of 1/3 or 1/2 duty, with carrier of 37.9K, 40.0K, 56.7K